Fat Grafting

While implants and injectables are effective, safe options for increasing volume in various areas, there are times when Dr. Majewski might recommend fat grafting (also called fat transfer) over these methods. Fat grafting isn’t a single procedure, but rather, a technique that involves harvesting fat cells from one area of the body and injecting them somewhere else to achieve a desired aesthetic outcome.

Fat transfer is a very versatile technique and can be used in numerous scenarios:

  • Enhancing volume of various body areas (face, etc.)

  • Enhancing or replenishing facial volume (revolumizing)

  • Filling up facial lines

  • Correcting breast deformities after cosmetic breast procedures or breast reconstruction

  • Improving appearance of depressed scars or post-traumatic depressions

  • Improving appearance of post-liposuction deformities


The harvested fat is processed to separate the fat cells from tissue fluids to achieve high concentration and maximize the "take", i.e. survival, of harvested cells. These cells will survive only if blood vessels provide them with necessary nutrients.  The survival rate varies and depends on harvesting and re-injection technique, quality of recipient site, and many other factors.

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Want to learn more about surgical and non-surgical ways to enhance your natural beauty? Schedule a consultation with Dr. Majewski to explore your treatment options.